Parking Lot Maintenance

Parking Lot Maintenance Services in Atlanta, GA

Although an asphalt parking lot is much more economical to construct than a comparable concrete lot, it still requires a substantial investment. In return, you can quickly have an asset that is attractive, safe, and long-lasting. However, without proper parking lot maintenance, your investment may not deliver any of these benefits.

Is There a Difference Between Parking Lot Maintenance and Parking Lot Repair?

Yes, there is a major difference. Basically, parking lot repair means that you are fixing damage that has already occurred, while parking lot maintenance is meant to help you prevent the damage from happening in the first place. Think of it as the difference between changing the oil in your car and replacing its engine when it fails because you never changed its oil. Oil changes are maintenance procedures, while engine replacements are repair procedures.

What Are the Most Critical Procedures?

Critical maintenance procedures are those that can lead to frequent or costly repairs, or those that can result in the premature reconstruction of your parking lot. Here are the most critical procedures for asphalt parking lots.

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  1. Asphalt crack repairs can help prevent injuries to pedestrians and cyclists, but they are essential for protecting the structural integrity of your pavement. Open cracks lead to water infiltration, which leads to foundation damage. Foundation damage leads to additional cracking, alligatored asphalt, potholes, and a shorter life for your pavement.
  2. Asphalt sealcoating protects your pavement from the sun as well as automotive fluids. The sun emits ultraviolet radiation that makes asphalt pavement dry, brittle, and prone to damage, but sealcoating is an effective sunblock that screens out harmful UV rays. Automotive fluids react with the asphalt binder, resulting in soft, crumbly spots that allow water to seep beneath the surface of the pavement, then quickly turn into potholes. Sealcoating gives you more time to remove spilled or leaked automotive fluids before they can reach the pavement itself.
  3. Keeping your parking lot clean improves its safety and aesthetics, but it also helps you prevent damage. In addition to cleaning spots where automotive fluids have been spilled or leaked, you should remove loose gravel, trash, dead vegetation, and other debris. Piles of debris can conceal problems as well as trap moisture next to the pavement, making water infiltration more likely.
  4. Parking lot striping and marking helps you maintain an orderly flow of traffic, ensure ADA compliance, and increase safety for pedestrians and drivers. Parking lot striping also helps you fit more vehicles into your lot.

What Other Procedures Should Be Included in a Parking Lot Maintenance Program?

The precise procedures depend on a variety of factors, including the size of your parking lot, the nature of your operations, and the way that your parking lot is used. The following are some procedures you may want to consider.

  1. Car stops help prevent drivers from taking unsafe shortcuts, intruding into parking spaces in front of them, or encroaching on sidewalks and landscaping islands. They also help drivers know that they have pulled far enough into the space to avoid encroaching on traffic aisles.
  2. Traffic signs help drivers navigate your parking lot, provide vital information, or satisfy ADA or local regulations.
  3. Bollards can protect structures, prevent drivers from going where they should not go, or protect pedestrians on sidewalks or in other outdoor environments.

At MH Greeson, we would be happy to design an Atlanta parking lot maintenance program that is tailored to your specific needs. We specialize in caring for asphalt pavements in the greater Atlanta area. Our services include parking lot striping, bollard installation, asphalt sealcoating, car stop installation, asphalt crack repair, traffic signage, asphalt paving, pavement marking, and ADA compliance. We have earned our exemplary reputation through our exceptional workmanship, extraordinary customer service, and professional integrity. To request a free quote, you can either submit our online form or call 770-335-2983.

Contact MH Greeson Paving today to get a quote for your next Parking Lot Maintenance project.

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